War of the Roses

War of the Roses 

The battles of the Centurions Wargaming Club

  • Rules - Field of Glory Ancients 3rd Edition
  • Scale - 28mm
  • Acceptable Army List
    • Late Plantagenet Early Tudor English (Britain)
      • Northern, Lancaster, or Yorkist
      • Disregard Dismounted Foot; Heavily Armored Requirement
    • Medieval Scots (Lowland Scots)
    • Island and Highland Scots
    • Anglo - Irish
    • Medieval Irish
    • Ordonnance Burgundy (No Cavalry)
    • Ordonnance French (No Cavalry)
      • Note: In theory there are other potential mercenary armies however a decision was made to not allow them to focus on the core of the battles in England.
  • Valid Years
    • 1455 to 1487
  • Initial Points
    • Must satisfy the rules for Allied force except where noted.
    • 1 Troop Commander - Free
    • 100 points
  • Minimum Playable Command
    • 1 Troop Commander
    • 4 Stands Billmen
    • 6 Stands Archers
    • OR equivalent in chosen list.
  • Maximum Playable Command
    • 2 Commanders 
      • Either 1 Field Commander and 1 Troop Commander or 2 Troop Commanders
    • 5 Infantry Units OR 3 Infantry Units AND 1 Cavalry Unit
  • Allegiance Starting Modifiers
    • Lancastrian -6
    • French -3
    • Mercenary 0
    • Burgundy +3
    • Yorkist +6
  • Claimants
    • Lancastrian
      • Henry IV
      • Margaret of Anjou
      • Henry VII
    • Yorkist
      • Edward IV
      • Edward V
      • Richard III
      • Richard of York


Allegiance Modifier

Is a modifier used to determine sides for games.   Players choose an initial allegiance based upon their chosen army list, the results of the games may increase or decrease a players modifier.    A negative modifier is generally a player supporting Lancastrian Claims and a positive modifier is generally a player who supports Yorkist Claims.  

Initial Allegiance

Players choose an Allegiance during their first game using there own personal figures.    The choice for allegiance is based upon the Army List chosen by the player.
  • Later Plantagenet Early Tudor may choose Lancastrian, Mercenary of Yorkist
  • Medieval Scots may chose Lancastrian or Yorkist
  • Island and Highland Scots and Medieval Irish are always Mercenary.   
  • Ordonnance Burgundy are always Burgundy
  • Ordonnance French are always French. 

Players who do not provide there own figures do not have an allegiance.

As player participate in games their Allegiance Modifier may change.

Determining Sides for each game

The current Allegiance Modifier for anyone using borrowed figures receives either a -3 if the borrowed figures are Lancastrian or French, +3 if the borrowed figures are Yorkist or Burgundian or no modifier if the figures are mercenary.

If a player decides to use a claimant for the throne as their force commander (maximum one Lancastrian and one Yorkist per game) these players receive an addition -3 (Lancastrian) or +3 (Yorkist) to their modified allegiance score.   These two players must on opposite sides of the Battle.
  • You must have at least a -3 Current Allegiance Modifier to use a Lancastrian Claimant.
  • You must have at least a +3 Current Allegiance Modifier to use a Yorkist Claimant.
  • Note: We chose to give these players an additional modifier making it most likely they will be on the proper side opposed to automatically assigning them to help determine which side is attacking, defending or a equal engagement.   

All participating players at the start of each game roll two six-sided dice and add or subtract their current allegiance modifier.

The players with the lowest modified score are considered Lancastrian, the players with the highest modified score are considered Yorkist.
  • If there is an even number of players but the break down is more players on one side or the other due to a tie roll the players with a tie roll reroll two dice and compare results, the lowest roll becomes the Lancastrian, the Highest Yorkist.   This is repeated until all players are assigned.
  • If there is an odd number of players the player with the middle result is assigned to the Lancastrian Side if there are more results 6 and below or Yorkist if there are more results 8 and above.  
  • In the case there are an equal number of results below 6 and above 8 the player and there is one middle result of a 7, that players sets up as a neutral on side of the table.   Once all figures are set up they roll a d6.   On a result of a 1-3 they are on the Lancastrian Side, 4-6 they are on the Yorkist Side.
    • Note: Think Stanley Army at the Battle of Bosworth Field.
  • In the case of multiple players rolling a modified 7 and there is an even number of players assigned to the Lancastrian and Yorkist Side those players with a modified result of 7 re-roll their allegiance dice and the lowest score is assigned to the Lancastrian and the highest score is assigned to the Yorkist.   The middle score is assigned per normal rules.
    • Note: you must have an odd number of players with a modified score of 7 to have to deal with this result, if an even number of players have a modified result of 7 than there must be a higher number 6 and below OR 8 and above.

Army Size

The intent is to create a period or series game in which there is a low cost of entry for the players.  To achieve this initial commands are small, two units: one bill and one bow.   The largest command is five units: roughly three bow and two bill.

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