Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pickett's Charge

The throbbing rumble of cannons continued ceaselessly as the messenger rode up to the men.
  The young man gracefully dismounted his horse and smartly saluted General Pickett,  General Pickett extended his gloved hand the young messenger seemed to say something in protest.  General Pickett looked at General Longstreet and said something lost to the thunder of the guns.  The messenger awkwardly handed the note to General Picket; who accepted the message and returned the young man’s salute.    He barely read the note as he turned on his heal to march the few steps to where General Longstreet half slumped half sat along a dull gray split rail fence staring into space watching the immense artillery duel in the valley below.

Nearly 125 cannons had opened fire on the Union position a hour proceeding, prompting the 100 plus Union artillery to return fire.   General Longstreet continued to stare at the nothingness of the valley below as if the weight of 6,555 souls weighed down his body.
"A message from Col. Alexander."  General Pickett announced.  The sound prompted a small response from General Longstreet as he half turned his head towards General Pickett.   "Hurry up for god sakes or the artillery cannot help you."  It was only a momentary pause, but to General Longstreet it seemed like an eternity before General Pickett spoke again.  "What are your orders Sir?"  Longstreet again gazed at the nothingness of the Valley below.  "Should I commence the Attack?"   All General Longstreet could do was nod his head in agreement.  With that nearly 20,000 men began their charge into destiny.

The Centurions will be running a scenario based upon this momentous moment of American history, Pickett's Charge, this Saturday at the Source Comics and Games.   Setup will begin at 10:30, the Artillery duel and game play there after.

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