Friday, January 9, 2015

Winter 2015 Schedule posted

Hey gang,

The new schedule has been posted for Winter 2015.  The following schedule is what we will be doing for the next three months:

Saturday - Jan 17th
15mm Samurai - Field of Glory (R)
The Way of the Brush continues.
11am Source Comics and Games

Saturday - Feb 7th
15mm ACW - Regimental Fire & Fury
War comes to Virginia again.
11am Source Comics and Games

Friday & Saturday - Feb 13th & 14th
Various games all weekend at Con of the North.  We will be putting on 5+ games in the Dealer's Room again this year.
10am Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West

Saturday - Feb 21st
10mm Napoleonics - Field of Glory (N)
The 1812 Campaign in Russia calls to us. Another of Tom's passions!
11am Source Comics and Games

Saturday - Mar 7th
15mm SYW - Koenig Kreig
The Wars of the Jumbled Alliances.  A Mediterranean excursion.
11am Source Comics and Games

Saturday - Mar 21st
15mm Ancients - Field of Glory
Rome v. Punics
11am Source Comics and Games

I have not put up a schedule of games for Con of the North yet as I am still trying to determine what we will be doing at this time.  I've got a commitment for Falkirk '46, a further Koenig Kreig game later in the weekend, a Samurai game, and probably a TYW game.  I am waiting for the Monday Nighters to determine what they will be running at the con.  Also, at this time I expect there to be 2 games on Friday, three on Saturday, and we'll see what the interest is in a game on Sunday.  I'll keep you informed.
