Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Schedule for the rest of the Winter and part of the Spring

And no plan ever seems to survive the first five minutes of combat...

With Tom off in the Orient we have had to change our first game in February again.  This time we are going from the TWI to Star Wars Attack Wing (by acclamation.)  Check out the new schedule to the right.  Hopefully we can successfully schedule the next TWI game for May.  Another schedule point to notice is that we have multiple games scheduled for the weekend after Valentine's Day.  This is because Con of the North moved off of the second weekend in February to the third.  In the past we have put on demo games at the con in conjunction with the Source and this year will be no different.  We will be running games at the con on Friday and Saturday and will be putting on a Napoleon's Battles game at the Source on Saturday for those that can't attend the con.

So that's our schedule.  Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the schedule.  Hope you can attend the games.  See you there!
