Friday, November 22, 2024

Alpha Strike - Nov 30th

 Date: January 3037

Location: Cursa (Free Worlds League)

Background:  Phase 2 of the War of Andurien Succession was the retaking of breakaway systems by the Free Worlds League (House Marik) starting in 3035. The last invasion of 3036, launched on 4 December, the “liberation” of Cursa was expected to be as easy as that of Ingomish or Leyda. Indeed, a succession of clashes with the garrison troops ended in the invaders’ favor and the two units—the 
green Twenty-fifth Marik Militia and the elite First Free Worlds 
Guards—prepared for an uneventful occupation.

 The bomb that ripped through the Guards’ command center 
a month after the invasion was a complete surprise to the FWLM 
troops. The experienced Guards were effectively decapitated 
by the strike and were ill-prepared for what followed: an all-out 
assault on their positions by Andurien troops, and not the plan-
etary garrison but rather elements of the Fourth Defenders of 
Andurien who had been on-world when the invaders landed but 
who had remained hidden.

Game Scenario: Players will be playing as either the 25th Marik Militia or First Free Worlds Guards, with each player controlling a lance of 4 battlemechs or combat vehicles.  The players will plan and execute a hasty defense against a mass surprise attack by Andurien forces.  

The Andurien forces will be controlled by the Aces open beta playtest system.  This opfor will be set and not adjusted for the number of players.  

Special Rules: To represent the chaos caused by the decapitation strike by Andurien operatives, players will suffer a -1 on the initiative role rach turn, and automatically lose ties, until a 12 is rolled by the players for initiative.  This represents the point when Force Commander Alfred Gradjeda takes command of Marik forces and restores order.

Force Building:
Since this is an asymmetric battle, we are going to try something a different for building a lance.  There are actually two different Marik units to choose from for this game by the players.  The Twenty-fifth Marik Militia are rated Green for experience level. The other Marik force, First Free Worlds Guards, is rated Elite for their experience level. 

●) Using the first chart here, players will determine what weight class of lances they will have available to them.  

This will give a result of 3 lance options that will apply to the next step. 

●) Using the chart below, roll to see the composition for each of the lance types that were the result of the previous chart.

Using these results, use what miniatures you have to fill out the lance(s) that you choose.  Nothing newer than 3035 though to keep within canon.  Also, keep in mind you will only actually field one of those lances.  

●) Finally, assign each individual unit within the lance a skill rating by rolling on the following chart.  Reminder, Marik Militia lances are rated as Green and use that line.  Free Worlds Guards are rated as Elite and use that line.

Useful links:
Availability -

Alpha Strike Force Builder-

Painting Guide (1st Free Worlds Guards)-

Painting Guide (25th Marik Militia)-


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