Saturday, February 15, 2025

March 2025 Schedule

March 1st
The Men who would be King (modified)
America War of Independence - South Carolina Campaign
Jeff Johnson

March 15th
Field of Glory Renaissance - Samurai
Jim Fitzgerald

March 29th
BattleTech - Alpha Strike
Terry Ollila

All Games at the Source Comics and Games
Setup begins at 10:30 AM and play soon after.
No Figures or Experience are Required to Play

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Games in rotation - 2025

The following is a list of games in regular rotation for the Centurions in 2025.
  • Field of Glory Ancients - 2nd Punic War - Macedonian War
  • Field of Glory Renaissance - Samurai 15mm and Thirty Years' War 10mm
  • Koenig Krieg - Seven Years War - Eastern Theater with a smidge of the Western Theater.
  • The Men who would be Kings - AWI South Carolina Campaign
  • Regimental Fire & Fury - Mexican American War and American Civil War
  • BattleTech: Alpha Strike - various battles
  • Star Trek Attack Wing - Dominion War
Napoleonics is complicated as four games may be played at some point during the year.
  • Napoleon's Battles - 15mm
  • Glory is Fleeting - 10mm
  • General deBrigade - 15mm
  • Rank and File - 25mm
World War II 
  • Spearhead - 15mm Northwest Europe
  • Rate of Fire - 15mm Operation Barbarossa
  • Battle Gruppe - 6mm 

These are not the only games the centurions will play in 2025 but are the listing of games that may be played during the year more than once.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Star Trek - Attack Wing - Feb 15th

 This is another cooperative Alliance game.  

Mission Brief

Mission: Convoy Raid

Background:  The  war has not been going well for the Alliance, but there is a chance to change that for the near term.  Star Fleet Intelligence has located a Dominion convoy believed to be transporting ketracel-white.  Ketracel-white is the isogenic enzyme drug that the Dominion uses to control the Jem'Hadar via their addiction to it.  Star Fleet Intelligence has plotted the convoy's most likely route thru Dominion controlled space, and have located an area where the convoy will have to drop out of warp to pass through. This area is subjected to spacial anomalies that prohibit the use of warp drives.  Since the Dominion believes this to be a secure area, they are willing to take the risk of transitting the area under a light escort.  This same spacial anomaly should also limit the response time for any Dominion reinforcements. 

Objective:  Star Fleet Intelligence is of the opinion that in order to have an impact on Jem'Hadar combat effectiveness, at least in the short term, at least 50% of the convoy needs to be destroyed.  Alliance assets assigned to the raid will infiltrate, via individual routes, to the ambush/raid location just ahead of the convoy's arrival.  Captains, if your ship becomes too damaged, disengage and exfiltrate Dominion territory to the best of your ability. Your ship and crew is more important to the war effort than losing it to 'just get one more freighter'.

Player Info

Since this is an Alliance game, available player factions are:

Federation (Federation, Vulcan, Bajoran)



If you are bringing your own ship, the point limit is 40.  If it goes a point or two over, that is ok. But no more than that.  Also, I suggest making it a named ship and named captain.  This is an Enterprise-E era game, so no earlier version of the Enterprise will be allowed.

Ships I will provide for players to choose from:

Ship (Class) - Captain


USS Enterprise-E (Sovereign) - Picard

USS Defiant (Defiant) - Sisko

USS Cerberus (Prometheus) - Sanders

USS Odyssey (Galaxy) - Keogh

USS Hathaway (Constellation) - Riker

USS T'Kumbra (Nebula) - Solok

USS Spector (Akira) - Leyton

USS Bellerophon (Intrepid) - Ross

USS Musashi (Sovereign) - Nechayev

USS Phoenix (Nebula) - Maxwell

USS Sao Paulo (Defiant) - Dax

USS Pasteur (Olympic) - Crusher

USS Saber (Saber) - Patterson

USS Valiant (Defiant) - Watters

USS Tian An Men (Miranda) - Dougherty

USS Hood (Excelsior) - Desoto

USS Venture (Galaxy) - Varley 

USS Akira (Akira) - Strickland

USS Pegasus (Oberth) - Pressman

USS Sutherland (Nebula) - Haden

USS Yeager (Saber) - Moore

Kir'Shara (D'Kyr) - Muroc

V'Shar (D'Kyr) - T'Pau


IKS Rotarran (B'rel) - Martok

IKS K'Tanco (K't'inga) - Kang

IKS T'Acog (K't'inga) - Koloth

IKS B'Moth (K't'inga) - K'Nera

IKS Ning'tao (B'rel) - Kor

IKS Negh'var (Negh'var) - Gowron

IKS Koraga (K'vort) - Worf

IKS Maht-H'a (Vor'cha) - Nu'Daq

IKS Somraw (Raptor) - Somraw Commander

K'mpec's Attack Cruiser (Vor'cha) - K'mpec

IKS Tong (K't'inga) - K'Temoc

IKS Vorn (K'vort) - Kurn

IKS Devwl (Negh'var) - Morag


IRW Khazara (D'deridex) - Toreth 

Tal Shiar Scout (Scout) - Rekar

IRW Valdore (Valdore) - Donatra

Twilight's Wrath (D'deridex) - Lovok

IRW Haakona (D'deridex) - Centurion


Saturday, January 18, 2025

February 2025 Schedule

Feb 1st
Koenig Krieg
Western Theater
Jim Fitzgeraldn

Feb 15th
Star Trek Attack Wing
Terry Ollila

All Games at the Source Comics and Games
Setup begins at 10:30 AM and play soon after.
No Figures or Experience are Required to Play